うま味チャリティーディナー収益、国連WFP ペルー農村地帯の栄養改善プログラムへ
事業名 | : | 国連WFP 栄養改善と食の安全向上計画 への協力 |
事業実施時期 | : | 2012年初め~2013年4月 |
報告者 | : | 栗脇 美緒 (うま味インフォメーションセンター事務局) |
2011年12月、ペルー、リマにてペルーの味の素財団と共催でうま味チャリティーディナーを実施しました。その収益は国連WFPに全額寄付され、大きな成果を生みました。味の素財団のDora Sato氏より、この活動についてレポートが届きましたので、ご報告いたします。今回の成果をうれしく思うとともに、このうま味チャリティーディナーを支えてくださった多くの料理人の皆様に、改めて感謝の意を表します。
(以下に続く日本語レポートはDora Sato氏から頂いた英文を弊センターにて和訳したものです。)
味の素財団(ペルー)と国連WFP(World Food Program)そしてペルー、ハウアラ地方の6つの郡が連携し、栄養改善と食品の安全性向上に向けた予備調査を実施、栄養バランスのよい食生活を送れば栄養不良と貧血が改善するという大きな成果を収めました。
うま味チャリティーディナーは大成功をおさめ、29,800US$の収益は全額ペルーの農村地域の栄養水準向上に向けた活動に充てられました。 その際、味の素財団はWFPに、農村部に役立てることを重ねて伝えました。農業は食物連鎖の起点にあり、食品・料理産業もその輪の中にあります。ペルーの食文化と料理産業もまた、農業と地場食材に影響を受けていますから、料理産業は地場の農業が発展を続け、農業に携わる人たちの栄養摂取状況にも配慮しなければいけないという信念を持っているからです。
去る4月17日、このプロジェクトの成功を祝し、成果報告の場としてNutritional Fairが開かれました。今回のプロジェクしトに参加した人たちが今回学んだことをベースに次のようなイベントに参加しました。
- 地元の季節の食材を使った、栄養価の高い料理コンテスト
- 健康的な生活をテーマにした絵画コンクール
- 栄養知識を織り込んだリクリエーション活動
Dora Sato
Ajinomoto Foundation and WFP, joining efforts towards community well-being
The implementation of the "Promoting Nutrition and Food Security" Pilot Project was the extraordinary result of the joint efforts of Ajinomoto Foundation, World Food Programme (WFP) of UN and the active participation of 6 communities in Huaura province to fight against malnutrition and anemia, by promoting nutritious and balanced food intake.
But the joint efforts of this project date back to December 2011 when UIC, Ajinomoto del Peru S.A and a group of renowned chefs from Japan and Peru (Nobu Matsuhisa, Murata Yoshihiro, Toshiro Konishi, Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, Virgilio Martinez, Mitsuharu Tsumura, Astrid Gutsche, Hajime Kasuga, Coque Ossio among others) contributed to the Umami Charity Dinner. This was an important activity organized to promote umami knowledge among attendees and to raise funds for the implementation of a social project by the WFP.
The Umami Charity Dinner was a big success; we were able to raise a fund of US$ 29.800. This amount was donated to WFP for the design and implementation of a project to improve the nutritional status of a community. We requested that the beneficiary had to be a farming community, as agriculture is the starting point of the food chain we all depend on, including food industries and gastronomy. The expansion of Peruvian food culture and gastronomy depends also on the agriculture development and the promotion of local ingredients and products. For this reason, it is important that all players of food chain get involved in promoting sustainable gastronomy and better nutrition.
On April 17th, a Nutrition Fair was organized to celebrate the completion of the Pilot Project and to show the results of this implementation. There were different activities in which beneficiaries put into practice all information and knowledge acquired through the workshops:
- Nutritious dishes contest using local and season products
- Drawing and Painting contest promoting healthy living
- Recreational activities with nutrition information
Representatives of Ajinomoto Foundation participated in the award ceremony for the winners of cooking and drawing contests and encouraged all participants and local authorities to become key players in the fight against child malnutrition and anemia.
The project succeeded initial expectations as it expanded to additional three districts (6 in total) and provided technical assistance to prepare 5 projects to be submitted to Ministry of Economy and Finances in order to obtain economic financing under the National Public Investment System. This mechanism will guarantee the sustainability of this Pilot Project so it could be applied to other communities.
This project is a long dream turned into reality: it has a positive impact in the local community and its sustainability is ensured even after Ajinomoto Foundation support is over.
It is the result of the joint effort of different groups moved by the spirit of solidarity. We want to express once again our gratitude to WFP, UIC and all the chefs who contributed to this project and made possible for us celebrate with the community the success of its implementation. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Dora Sato
Ajinomoto Foundation
- 目的:
ワウラ地方の農業の中心地域、カルキン、ワウラ と ベゲタ郡にて、栄養についての正しい理解を進め、子供の栄養不良と貧血を軽減、地域全体の栄養状態を改善し食の安全を向上させる。
- 対象地域:
ワウラ地方(リマ県北部 リマより車で約3時間)
- 対象人数:
- このプロジェクトを支援した自治体および他の団体:
World Food Programme, Inter- American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Institute of development (INPRODES)、ワウラ地方6郡の自治体(Carquin, Huaura, Vegueta, Hualmay, Santa Maria and Leoncio Prado) 、School Feeding Committees, Kitchen Committees, Social Breakfast Service Program、地域団体
- 成果:
Carquin, Huaura, Vegueta, Hualmay, Santa Maria and Leoncio Prado郡の参加者が栄養状態向上に多品目の食材を適切なバランスで摂取することが大切であることを認識できた点。
Carquin, Huaura, Vegueta, Hualmay, Santa Maria and Leoncio Prado郡の行政、Health Network、地域の教育委員会および民間団体が、健康問題への関心を高め、地場の食材を使って健康づくりを促進する年間計画を作成した点。
Contribute to the improvement of Nutrition and Food Security in the communities dedicated to agriculture in the districts of Carquin, Huaura and Vegueta - province of Huaura through the promotion of good practices of nutrition and in this way contribute to the prevention of malnutrition and child anemia.
Province of Huaura - northern part of the Department of Lima, 3 hour by car
Direct beneficiaries were 300 family dedicated to agriculture, approximately 1,500 people including 300 pregnant and breast-feeding women, 375 children under five years and 300 children from elementary and high school.
World Food Programme, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Institute of Development (INPRODES), Municipal Governments from the districts of Carquin, Huaura, Vegueta, Hualmay, Santa Maria and Leoncio Prado (Huaura Province), School Feeding Committees, Kitchen Committees, Social Breakfast Service Program, local community
Families of Carquin, Huaura, Vegueta, Hualmay, Santa Maria and Leoncio Prado districts identify, value and use several and appropriate food products to improve the quality of their nutrition.
Educational authorities in each district plan and implement effective actions to promote good practice of nutrition, in coordination with the organizations of agricultural producers and the local institution in charge of water management.
The district municipalities of Carquin, Huaura, Vegueta, Hualmay, Santa Maria and Leoncio Prado, Health Network, the Local Education Management Units and local private institutions increased their awareness in nutritional issues and included in their annual plans activities for promoting a healthy nutrition based on local products.
The Project provided technical assistance to prepare 5 projects to be submitted to Ministry of Economy and Finances in order to obtain economic financing under the National Public Investment System. This mechanism will guarantee the sustainability of this Pilot Project so it could be applied to more communities.
With this project, Ajinomoto del Peru SA and Ajinomoto Foundation are contributing their bit to the commitment assumed by Ajinomoto Group in order to solve three major problems that the world is currently facing: Global sustainability, Food resources and healthy living.